{Dev}School - The story
In the autumn of 2015, ING has launched {Dev}School, a project meant to support the professional development of young tech passionate and even discover our potential future colleagues. Now we have launched the tenth edition.
{Dev}School is part of a long-term strategy and has been conceived as an educational short-term programme (6-8 weeks), offered to senior students and master degree students studying Cybernetics or Automatics and Computers.
Within a period of 6-8 weeks, the selected few have access to a learning experience offered by ING Bank or ING Tech, with an applied approach that includes the most wanted technologies of the moment.
Here is how the ten editions took place:
- in autumn 2015 the first edition of {Dev}School has been focused on Java and Angular technologies;
- in 2016 we launched 3 more editions: SQL (spring), .NET (summer) and Java (autumn);
- in 2017 we continued with Java edition (spring), SQL (summer) and DevOps (autumn);
- and in 2018 we launched 3 more editions: Java (spring) and InfraOps and Java (autumn).
After a selection process at the end of the program, the most talented candidates will have the opportunity to join the ING team.