Mihai Bănică

What's the first thing that pops to mind that's key to your job?
Fast (re)action. I need to master switching contexts while working with stakeholders, quickly and with precision – that's the realm of financial markets and trading in a nutshell.

And what are your main drivers?
Curiosity and the push to understand what happens behind the scenes, to really get to the depth of things.

It's what helped me expand my tech skills on the job, as I have a financial background, not a technical one per se.

How did you settle into your role? And what's a proud moment you can recall?
I contribute with the expertise I bring and got to learn the skills I lacked. That's a rewarding mix and it made things run smoothly.

At one point I spotted some technical flaws in one of the trading platform components that could have caused some misleading transactions. So, potential financial losses averted. It definitely felt good.

What other skills do you bring to the team and what do you value about your colleagues?
I usually take things with a grain of salt, ask relentless questions, and my attention to detail is a trademark. Add to that empathy and the ability to look at things from someone else's perspective.

My colleagues are smart and supportive, fun to be around, always positive.

What's a challenging situation you've faced in your job and how did you grow from it?
Dealing with incidents or major outbreaks during Asia hours (nighttime in Europe) was overwhelming at first. A few iterations later, confidence and knowledge built up.

It's comforting to know that anything can be sorted out when it comes to “software and machines”, if you're collected enough to work with the moving parts.

Do you feel supported to disconnect from work and bring energy to your personal life?
It matters to me that despite the challenges any given day can bring, the work environment is favourable. I don't leave it negatively charged.

I like to move, usually by playing a tennis match, and I value spending time with loved ones. The moment I leave the office, my mind is free.

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