Ionuț Chitic

What does your team do?
We help build and enhance a complex trading application to gain ING a competitive advantage in the Foreign Exchange (FX) and Money Market space.

Is it challenging or do you get a kick out of it?
Having access to the FX world and being in the middle of the action is fun. You can watch markets burn and understand exactly why it’s happening, as it’s happening. Having that kind of insight is rewarding to me.

I love complexity and the freedom to experiment, and I have both doing what I do.

How do you think you’re perceived as a manager?
What I can say is that I aspire to be a leader for my team and those around me and to create a circle of safety. We face all sort of challenges and land on our feet every time so, to give our best, we need to be at our best.

But on the development side I do the opposite: I push, I get them out of their comfort zone to do more, be more. They are so smart that it drives me crazy sometimes, but it’s a good "problem" to have.

What’s a time when you felt especially proud of a work-related success?
My proudest moment was when my team backed me up when I needed the most, without me asking them.

It came as confirmation that my efforts to build a united team paid off. It’s like brushing your teeth, you don’t think of the return every day you do it, but you end up having a nice smile.

Can you recall a recent challenge and the learning that came with it?
Challenges come with the territory in my job, but the most recent one was about a huge exposure* for ING in a matter of hours. I learnt that getting the bad news out as fast as possible is the best course of action.

* the maximum potential loss a lender may incur if the borrower defaults.

What are you eager to do when working hours end?
I’m all about self-development, constantly trying to improve something: how I speak, look, behave, think. Exploring different dimensions is part of my nature, whether it’s through a hobby (music, sports) or a course of action that supports my professional growth.

Why do you think you were called "the maestro"?
Maybe because I orchestrate engaging experiences, motivate people, and create space for new things.

I believe in leading by example, so I’m the first to leave my comfort zone. Sometimes quite literally, like the time I booked a next day flight to the U.S.

What are your priorities and do you feel supported to balance work and private life?
What matters most to me is to be in good health, to be close to family and friends and to develop professionally. Working for ING Hubs grants me the resources I need to tend to all of the above.

I relate to the proud lion we know to appear at the beginning of many movies, seeing it makes you think you’re in for a good time, in good company.

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