Călin Bădescu

What brings you to work? What motivates you?
My team and my line of work are my main drivers. I’ve been working with data for over 10 years, I enjoy the work and the company, by which I mean my squad, PartyLitx.

Is what you do easy to explain to friends and family?
My activity includes adding, copying, and transforming data from all over the organisation for reporting purposes. That’s how I explain it, adding that I cannot get them the preferential ING loan rates they hope for.

What gives you a sense of accomplishment and what challenges you in your work?
Successful delivery is the standard, so it’s not something that stands out to me. What really makes me proud is seeing that the tools and documentations I create are used and valued.

The challenging part comes in when we need to implement something that’s not fully owned by our team, so we need to connect with other support teams. The job always gets done, but the process can sometimes be lengthy.

Is working from Cluj working out for you? :)
It’s true that I’m based in Cluj, while the rest of my team is in Bucharest and in India. This allows me to be independent, but at the same time I can get in touch with my team in a heartbeat.

The quality of the relationships formed cancels out the distance. Knowing that we make ourselves available to each other, that we have each other’s backs and that we can share a laugh, that’s more than enough.
I also get along really well with the rest of the Cluj based team. We don’t work on the same projects, but we share an office and gather for boardgame/pizza/movie nights. It’s the best of both worlds, really.

Where do after-hours find you?
My wife and I usually walk our dogs together, enjoy a nice wine, and other times I get completely immersed into “insert newest game name here.”

Can a regular day fit it all in? Work and personal pursuits?
The option to work from home makes it easy to take care of real-life matters when needed, and I always make sure that my tasks are done at the end of the day.

The work-life balance at ING Hubs is among the best I’ve seen in my career.

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