Our Orange code

We reach many customers, employees, shareholders and suppliers every day. Every single one of them can expect us to uphold and follow good values. They keep us honest, upright and successful. And we do not ignore, tolerate or excuse any action that violates them.

Our ING values and behaviors are written down in our Orange Code. It is our manifesto and describes the way we do our work.

The Orange Code consists of two parts:

Our Values
Our Actions

We are honest

We carefully consider the impact of our actions and make decisions that are fair to all parties involved. We advise our customers openly, honestly and transparently.
We comply with the law and the rules we have set ourselves. We expect the same from our customers and suppliers. We tell the truth. We are fair, meaning we are honest about what we do, balancing the interests of all parties involved.

We are prudent

We work with other people's money and financial data. There are few things in life and business that are more important – or more vulnerable. We always put the interests of our clients at the heart of everything we do. Our clients can expect us to respect the trust placed in us, meaning that we treat them with care and have the right expertise to handle their assets, interests and data. We take a careful approach to financial risks and only enter into such risks if they have been thoroughly examined and weighed up.

We are responsible

From the projects we fund to the lighting in our offices, we always remember that every single aspect of our business has a social and environmental impact. We respect human rights and strive to protect the environment by avoiding or minimizing negative environmental consequences. We engage with our customers to enable continuous improvement. We support all forms of diversity, not only because we believe it is the right thing to do, but also because different backgrounds and ways of thinking lead to new ideas. We invest in our communities, support good causes and encourage our employees to participate in volunteer work.

You take it on and make it happen

You take responsibility for your actions and accept their consequences. This is the price and the privilege of self-determined action. You delegate in order to motivate others, create momentum and generate success. You don't wait for others. You inspire by clearly stating what you want to achieve. And you take responsibility for making it happen. You keep your promises and are known for your reliability. You ask for feedback and learn from it – especially when it is something you would rather not hear. You have the courage to praise good work and are not afraid to confront performance that slows us down. You protect ING and our reputation at all times by showing good judgment in identifying and managing risks.

You help others to be successful

You build trust and alliances by defining common goals, sharing information and celebrating success as a team. You treat others with respect - regardless of their status or opinion. You focus on progress, not tactics. You take a leading role in building and developing the formal and informal relationships across the organization that will contribute to our future success. You don't let existing structures prevent you from pursuing new opportunities. You see colleagues outside your own area as allies, not adversaries. You respect their expertise and take the time to understand their way of thinking: Innovations only look obvious in hindsight, and no one has a monopoly on good ideas.

You are always a step ahead

Anyone can point out problems, but you see opportunities. You question established ways of working, think strategically and are not put off by complexity. You adapt quickly and happily when new situations require a different approach. You remain calm even in uncertain times, consider all valid interests, decide quickly, say what you intend to do and lead the way. The way forward will not always go exactly according to plan. You learn from your mistakes by dealing with them openly. You always remain curious. You ask "why", but just as often "why not?" You look for new solutions and simplify – but you never forget that this only contributes to the future of our company if it also improves the lives of our customers.
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