Working towards a permanently healthy lifestyle

Jan became seriously involved in sport 15 years ago, and thanks to ING, when he trained for a marathon in the space of nine months. He has continued running ever since, although far less fanatically. He sees the triathlon as a fabulous opportunity to revitalise his sporting life.

Perfect boost

Jan: “I want to get fitter and healthier again before I turn 50. The training and all the support we get for this triathlon will give me the perfect boost to do that.”

“Running was easy to pick up again. But with cycling I had to start from scratch... I’ve been cycling for several months now and I’m really enjoying it. I’m definitely going to carry on cycling after the triathlon and I’ll probably join a cycling club.”

Eat more

“My nutritionist told me to eat more, particularly more protein to build up muscle mass. Initially I found that very difficult; I’m not a big eater and I felt like I was stuffing myself. But now I’ve got used to it and I’m really enjoying all of the tasty and healthy food.”

Priceless feeling

“I’m already noticing what good nutrition and training sessions are doing to me physically: I feel fit, I’ve built up more muscle mass and am in balance overall. The training helps a lot mentally too: I feel more energetic and can take on the world. And although I don’t always feel like training, knowing there’s a coach behind me who believes in me does a lot for my motivation. I also know that I always enjoy it once I’ve started, and the feeling afterwards is priceless.”

I’m already noticing what good nutrition and training sessions are doing to me physically: I feel fit, I’ve built up more muscle mass and am in balance overall.

Permanent effect

“In October I want to achieve my best performance, but I’m mainly focusing on the effect afterwards. I want to make sport and a healthy lifestyle something permanent.”

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