Marnix van der Velden - Sustainability Activation Expert

Working every day on a subject close to my heart

Sustainable living has always been an important subject for Marnix, and something he has devoted himself to. In his current role as Sustainability Activation Expert he is entirely focused on making colleagues more aware of and involved in sustainability.

In his previous positions in Business Banking, Marnix was already looking for opportunities for ING to distinguish itself even more in terms of sustainability. “On a global level and for our major customers, ING is an absolute pioneer when it comes to sustainability. For private customers and smaller businesses, we can and must take many more steps to help them make sustainable choices. And fortunately that’s exactly what we’ll be doing in the years ahead!”

Sustainability in practice

Marnix started in his current role in the new Center of Expertise Sustainability at the beginning of 2022. “Together with colleagues from Communications and HR, I organise all kinds of activities aimed at increasing ING employees’ awareness and knowledge and creating a positive attitude towards sustainability. Every month, for example, there’s a Sustainability Talk by an expert and we’re developing a training programme on climate and environment. We’re also increasing our social impact by encouraging volunteering and facilitating social team outings.”

At the top of the agenda

Marnix's commitment to sustainability stems in part from his beliefs. “We didn’t receive the earth from our parents, but on loan from our children. So we have to take good care of it. I strive for this 'stewardship' as much as possible in everything I do, in my work and private life. At home it sometimes drives them crazy… That's why it's so nice that this position came up. And it's great to see that sustainability has been given an even more prominent place in ING's vision.”

Close to my heart

“It’s fantastic that I can spend every day working on a subject that’s so close to my heart. It almost doesn't feel like work. For me, the fact that I got this role is also proof that ING has an eye for sustainable employability. You’d expect a millennial to get this position, since the younger generation is often intrinsically highly motivated with regard to the environment, climate, etc. But I’ve just turned 50. It’s great to have this opportunity!”

About Marnix

Marnix took a higher vocational course in Communication, worked in sales and subsequently in marketing and communication at Nationale Nederlanden, among others. He joined ING in 2012 and started in Private Banking. Marnix is active in the church, likes walking, gardening in his vegetable garden and painting. He tries to live as sustainably as possible and is about to move to a much smaller house. He blogs regularly about more sustainable living on LinkedIn, as here (article in Dutch).

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