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DevOps Engineer

Employee | Tech | Professional | 2022-10-04 | REQ-10046745


We are looking for you if:

  • You have very good knowledge of Linux or Windows systems,
  • You have experience with Linux or Windows system management.

You'll get extra points for:

  • You have knowledge of scripting languages,
  • You have knowledge of IT Security issues,
  • You have great communication and interpersonal skills,
  • You have good organizational skills and task prioritization ability,
  • You have teamwork ability,
  • You have Independence and decision-making ability,
  • Knowledge of SCRUM methodology,
  • Desire to constantly improve.

You will be responsible for maintaining and developing our security tools. You will participate in international project and implement our security services for our customers. Automation is also very important part of our job.

English level: B2


Questions about this opportunity?

Feel free to contact NATALIA PAPIEŻ, Recruiter. e-mail: or Phone: +48 (887) 841575

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Please be aware that the recruitment procedures, (labour) regulations and labour agreements of apply.

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