Our Orange culture

Our culture is our yin and yang. It’s how we treat and like to be treated. Friendly, inclusive and collaborative. Honest, prudent and responsible. We show it in little things and in big gestures. It allows you to be who you are and become what you want.

CARD EB2023 EN Nyka (orange culture)

Nyka, Change Expert

“I was born in Congo, lived in the US and moved here for love. I have so many cultures living in me and always felt like I could move freely within the company. We also have a lot of fun together. Running a marathon, participating in a challenge to walk, sustainability events, … Or just a drink after work and pictures on whatsapp, …”

CARD EB2023 EN Matthieu (orange culture)

Matthieu, Chapter Lead and Front End Tech Lead

“We all have the power to get things done. We believe in growing ourselves. It’s not just about delivering short term. It’s also about the future. We build careers, not just products. And of course, we have a lot of parties too (laughs). That helps the bonding too.”

CARD EB2023 EN Anna (orange culture)

Anna, Chapter Lead Data Analysis

“Big banks often have a reputation of being boring and covered in dust. That’s not the case with ING. We share this startup spirit. Mostly in how we collaborate. We are keen on moving on with projects, on experimenting with new technologies. Plus, we are not afraid to hire people who have no financial background. In my team, people mostly come from science and tech.”

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