
We hire you for your potential, not your past. Our biggest expectation is that you’ll stay curious. Keep learning. Take on more responsibility. In return, we’ll back you to develop into an even more awesome version of yourself. At the office or at home. The choice is yours.

CARD EB2023 EN Anna (you)

Anna, Chapter Lead Data Analysis

“I started out at ING as a modeller five years ago and after a year and a half, I got the opportunity to lead a team. Nobody is trying to take you out of your comfort zone. If you want to be an expert and grow in your domain, perfect. Or jump from project to project doing something different each time, also perfect.”

CARD EB2023 EN Adyasha (you)

Adyasha, Cloud Native Engineer

“Recently I held a talk during the town hall. In front of 200 people I was speaking about what I’m working on. And I was inspiring them to use our solution. I got to share my experiences so they could use it. That’s me evolving in just 6 months. I hope there will be many more opportunities like these to come.”

CARD EB2023 EN Amit (you)

Amit, Java Developer & cloud native expert

“Right now we are thinking about evangelising cloud native to other people. It’s not just about us learning new things. It’s about sharing our knowledge, helping others grow and maturing them. So that they can do all these things on their own.”

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