Our impact on planet

One of the key priorities of our 'Making a Difference' strategy is to put sustainable development at the heart of our business. We have a responsibility to define new ways of doing business where the planet and people are just as important as economic growth. We want to be a leading bank in building a sustainable future for our business, our customers, society and the environment, and we want to live up to our responsibilities.

Today, climate adaptation is a priority and we want to play an active role in the transition to a low-carbon society for all. We are striving to align our loan portfolio and operational footprint with the Paris Agreement targets of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. But we can do more. As a global bank managing billions of euros, we strive to have a positive impact.

CARD EB2023 EN Anna (planet)

Anna, Chapter Lead Data Analysis

“Banks need to make profit and feed the economy. That’s our reason for being. The reflection on how we can be more sustainable is largely driven by regulations. But at the same time there is a more ecological and social awareness than in the past. It’s how society evolves and we set an example.”

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