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Internship as Business analyst – Entreprise Content & Automation – Country team

Internship | Project / Programme Management | Student | Brussels | 2024-08-09 | 070125


Internship as Business analyst – Entreprise Content & Automation – Country team


Our role & work environment :


The Tribe ‘Entreprise Content & Automation(ECA) is enabling other departments of the bank by delivering state of the art solutions and services for :

       Message Delivery (composition of documents and routing to the right channel – paper, inbox, Document Centre, e-mail, …)

       Customer collaboration (Show, amend, download, upload documents in relationship with other process of the bank)

       Intelligent Automation (robotics process automation(RPA), data extractions, scanning, …)

       Dossier Management (archiving, retention, )

In ECA, the ‘country team’ is the partner of the consuming tribes and focus on the definition of the right solution as well as on the follow-up of the delivery.

That team is composed of Customer Journey Expert’s (CJE). They are passionate about improving the client & employee experience by enabling efficient communication with our customer & state of the art handling of related documents, from the delivery of messages to the customers to the upload and signature of other documents. And somewhere in between, we help our colleagues from the Customer Loyalty Teams (CLT) to gain in efficiency via automatic reading, classification of documents, automation (also known as Robotisation) of processes, optimal archiving solutions.

Our team aims to advise other departments to define and implement their Digitalisation roadmap and ensure coordination with the implementation and development of ECA services.

Our key responsibilities :

Become an expert and promoter of our services

       Understand our services related to Content Capture, Content Storage, Content Delivery, Content Sharing, and Business Automation. Be able to explain and demonstrate them. Be able to propose the best solutions to the needs of the internal external customers. 

       Understand the implications (which steps, which limitations) of the implementation of those services.

       Be an ambassador of Entreprise Content & Automation within the ING departments of ING Belgium.

       give awareness & training sessions.

       contribute to the continuous improvement of our documentation & promotion material.

Act as an account manager

       be the central point of contact for the colleagues of one or more Tribe / CLT or department.

       advise them to optimise their services to our customers & their roadmap. For this, you can count on the support of the ECA team (architects and squads).

       participate to discovery activities aiming to identify and evaluate automation, digitalisation & improvement opportunities.

       centralise their demands and analyse with the ECA team their implications.

       defend their priorities and business in the prioritisation rounds that need to be done given the high number of new developments in our area.

       be the one that will report to them on the progress, successes, delays in the agreed delivery.

Be a partner for the ECA squads

       the ‘country team’ keeps the squads informed on requests & developments impacting them and all commitments on behalf of ECA are pre-aligned.

       Requirements gathered by the ‘country team’ are a very important input for the further evolution of our ECA services and for our roadmap.

       We are involved in Research&Development with the squads to explore new technologies (f.i. in the context of Content extraction and classification)

       We help them in some testing activities.

       Together, we make sure that the documentation and promotion material remain up to date.

We collaborate with all squads of the Tribe, which are located in Brussels, Amsterdam, and Leeuwarden, and we have periodic exchanges of experience and best practices with all entities active in this domain.


The project for which we propose an internship as Business Analyst :

Some of our challenges is to improve our knowledge management tool & our processes :

-          In our knowledge management tool, our colleagues can easily find the relevant information for them (descriptions, promotion material scopes & limitations, required information in case of implementation, roadmap with foreseen product developments, how to use our services)

-          we manage the Lifecycle of incoming requests (reception, gathering and structuring requirements, planification, followup of delivery)

As the investment in learning and training is important for both parties, we only consider internships of minimum 4 or 5 months.

An intern could help us in :

-          gathering the available documentation

-          structuring it in an online site. We want our knowledge management system as easy as attractive for our internal users.

-          building some promotion materials (presentation, brochures, video’s, demo’s)

-          analysing our internal processes (intake of new requests, prioritisation, monitoring of progress of delivery) and proposing/realising automations of recurrent activities.

-          Developing automations to improve our efficiency and data quality.

-          Analysing simple requests from our internal customers.

To be successful in this internship you need:

       Interest in document management and digitalization.

       Interest in learning new technologies.

       Good analytical capabilities to gather, understand and structure the information.

       Ability to work autonomously, with a great eye for details; but in the same time Team worker

       Great communication skills and ability to synthesize for users and stakeholders

       Delivery focus

       Fluency in English (verbally and written). French &/or Dutch is a plus but not mandatory.

       Interest in learning the Agile way of working

       Have graduated in your Bachelor and be a student in you Master.

With this internship, you will :

       Add on your CV an experience with an experience with Enterprise Content Management, which is a challenge for all organizations.

       Learn how companies are transforming and digitalizing their services.

       Learn how banks are managing & improving their processes.

       Learn how teams can build a knowledge library and which are the challenges related to this.

       See how ING has adopted the Agile way of working.

       Acquire an experience in an international environment.


At ING we believe in success through difference!

Read our diversity manifesto here

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