Time management? Manage your energy first!
Plans and schedules have their limitations. There are only 24 hours in a day, after all! So, why is it that some people can get so much more done in a day than other people? It's easy: they are champions in the art of energy management. After all, no matter how many meetings and To Do lists you squeeze into your calendar, if your energy level is low it won't help you a bit.
Want to keep your energy at a constant high level? Thanks to the tips below you should be able to succeed easily.
Sleep = recharge
Give your body and mind enough rest. You need sleep every night to feel fit all day long. You can't? Not enough sleep puts you in a bad mood and makes it hard to concentrate. Even worse: prolonged lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and a damaged immune system.
The very best sleep cycle for you? This varies from person to person. Find out how many hours of sleep you need. Most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night. Bonus tip: our body loves regularity. This is why it's a good idea to stick to the same bedtime.
Exercise = super-charging
Regular exercise boosts your energy level. This is an important point for attention, particularly if you spend most of your day at the computer. Not into sports yet? Try a few out and see what you can keep doing in the long term. Don't aim for the Olympics, but build up your endurance gradually.
Whichever way you look at it, the clichés are confirmed: sports give you an energy boost and better mental resilience. An additional advantage: sports have a positive effect on the quality of your sleep.
Switch off the light
Smartphones, TV sets and computers are fantastic inventions. But did you know that the blue light emitted by their screens tells your brain to stay awake? This is why it's a good idea to stop looking at any screens a few hours before going to bed. Banning your smartphone from the bedroom is also a good idea. What about a traditional clock radio?
Do whatever boosts your energy.
You simply can't keep on doing a job that slurps up your energy in the long term. Do you feel completely washed out at the end of the workweek? Give your work schedule some thought. No job is perfect, but if you don't get regular moments during the day that boost your energy or make you feel good the time may have come for you to look for something else.