She goes ICT 2024

“Impact”. It’s perhaps the most important word in every ING job description. And that’s exactly why our very own Sophie Andries, Risk & Security at ING, was nominated for the 2024 Inclusive Tech Champion Award. Her impact even goes beyond the borders of her role at ING.

Cyber security is a fundamental right

Sophie: “Cyber crime in all its forms, from phishing to hacking, concerns us all. In my team at ING, we go above and beyond to protect the bank and our customers from malicious practices. But despite the fact that it’s a growing threat, it still seems like a specialist’s topic, far outside of the comfort zone of most people.”

That’s why Sophie founded Cylander. An independent organisation that sees cyber security as a fundamental right that should be accessible to everyone. Sophie: “People should be aware of the risks posed by cyber threats. We want to offer people the knowledge and tools to mitigate them. Regardless of their background, education, or resources. ”

Career opportunities for everyone

The idea for Cylander came during Covid. Sophie: “It was a time when people were open to career changes. Thanks to the free online courses and coaching they could learn about cyber security. Even without an IT background. With success. One of our team members at ING was a chef before he came across Cylander.”

In 2024, Cylander will expand its impact even further. “We also want to educate people who are more likely to be a victim of cyber crime. We will reach out to schools and the non-digital generation to make them aware of the potential threats and to help them protect themselves.”

She goes ICT

She goes ICT is an initiative of DataNews that wants to promote digital careers with women. Sophie: “IT still is a man’s world. It’s a shame because more women would bring new insights and ideas to our profession. That’s what I love about ING. They actively participate in initiatives to get more women in tech.”

DataNews nominated Sophie for the Inclusive Tech Champion Award, not only as a female role model but also because she opens the doors to cyber security to everyone. Despite the gender, background or the lack of IT experience.

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